LinkedIn Laughs: How Marketers Can Use Humor to Boost Engagement



Friday, May 3rd, 2024


In the world of digital marketing, engagement is the holy grail. It’s the key to building relationships, fostering brand loyalty, and ultimately driving conversions. But how can you make your content stand out in a sea of professional posts on a platform like LinkedIn? The answer might surprise you: humor.

Why Humor Works

Humor is a powerful tool in marketing for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it grabs attention. In a world where the average attention span is dwindling, anything that can make a viewer stop and take notice is invaluable. And humor does just that.

Secondly, humor makes your brand more relatable. It humanizes your company, making it seem less like a faceless corporation and more like a friend. This can help to build trust and foster a sense of loyalty among your audience.

Finally, humor is memorable. People are far more likely to remember a funny ad or post than a dry, factual one. And the more memorable your content is, the more likely it is to be shared, further increasing its reach.

How to Use Humor on LinkedIn

Now that we’ve established why humor is a powerful tool in marketing, let’s look at how you can use it on LinkedIn. Here are some tips to get you started:

Know Your Audience

Before you start cracking jokes, it’s important to understand who you’re talking to. What kind of humor will your audience appreciate? What kind of jokes might they find offensive? The more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your humor to their tastes.

Remember, LinkedIn is a professional platform, so it’s best to keep your humor clean and work-appropriate. Avoid anything that could be seen as offensive or inappropriate.

Be Authentic

Humor is most effective when it’s authentic. Don’t try to force jokes or be funny for the sake of being funny. Instead, let your brand’s personality shine through. If humor is a natural part of your brand voice, use it. If not, don’t feel like you have to force it.

Remember, authenticity breeds trust, and trust is crucial for building relationships and driving conversions.

Use Visuals

Visuals are a great way to convey humor. This could be in the form of a funny image, a meme, or even a humorous video. Visuals are also more likely to be shared, increasing the reach of your content.

Just make sure any visuals you use are in line with your brand and appropriate for your audience. And always make sure to properly credit any images or videos you use.

Examples of Humor on LinkedIn

Still not sure how to incorporate humor into your LinkedIn marketing strategy? Here are some examples of brands that have successfully used humor on LinkedIn:


Heineken is a brand that’s known for its humor, and their LinkedIn posts are no exception. They often post funny images or videos, along with a witty caption. This not only grabs attention, but also helps to reinforce their brand personality.

For example, in one post, they shared a photo of a Heineken bottle with the caption, “When you realize it’s only Tuesday…” This simple, relatable joke garnered a lot of engagement, proving that humor can be effective even on a professional platform like LinkedIn.


MailChimp is another brand that uses humor effectively on LinkedIn. They often post funny, quirky content that reflects their unique brand personality. For example, they once posted a video of a chimpanzee scrolling through a MailChimp email, with the caption, “Even our closest relatives can’t resist a good MailChimp email.”

This post not only made their audience laugh, but also subtly promoted their email marketing service, proving that humor can be a powerful tool for driving conversions.


Humor can be a powerful tool in your LinkedIn marketing strategy. It can grab attention, make your brand more relatable, and increase the reach of your content. But it’s important to use humor wisely. Know your audience, be authentic, and use visuals to convey your humor. And always remember to keep it professional.

So why not give it a try? Start incorporating humor into your LinkedIn posts and see the difference it can make in your engagement rates. You might just find that LinkedIn isn’t as serious as you thought!

Ready to Infuse Humor into Your LinkedIn Strategy?

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of how humor can elevate your LinkedIn presence, it’s time to put that into action with Postlyy. Our webapp is the perfect partner for Sales Development Representatives, small business owners, and content creators who want to make their social media content more engaging and memorable. With Postlyy’s content creation tools, effortless scheduling, and in-depth analytics, you can craft humorous posts that resonate with your audience and track their success. Don’t just aim for engagement — make your audience laugh and remember your brand. Ready to grow on Twitter and LinkedIn with a touch of humor? Start your journey with Postlyy today!

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