2 Entrepreneurs Share How Regular LinkedIn Posts Skyrocketed Their Pipeline



Monday, January 1st, 1


  Ever wondered how some entrepreneurs manage to turn LinkedIn into a goldmine of opportunities? The secret lies in regular posting. Today, we’re diving deep into the experiences of nine successful entrepreneurs who have seen their pipelines skyrocket, thanks to their consistent LinkedIn activity. Get ready for some real-world insights, statistics, and strategies that you can apply to your own LinkedIn game.  

The Power of Regular LinkedIn Posts

LinkedIn is more than just a professional networking platform. It’s a hub of knowledge, a marketplace of ideas, and a fertile ground for opportunities. With over 740 million members, LinkedIn is a platform where you can reach out to potential clients, partners, and even future employees.

But how do you stand out in such a crowded space? The answer is simple: regular posting. According to LinkedIn, businesses that post at least once per month have been shown to gain followers 6X faster than those that don’t. Now, imagine the impact of posting daily or even multiple times a day!

Why Regular Posting Matters

Regular posting keeps you on the radar of your connections. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m here, and I’ve got something valuable to share.” It’s a way to establish your presence, showcase your expertise, and engage with your audience.

Moreover, LinkedIn’s algorithm favors regular posters. The more you post, the more visibility you get. And more visibility means more opportunities knocking at your door.

Entrepreneurs Who Nailed It

Now, let’s get to the exciting part. Here are nine entrepreneurs who have seen their pipelines grow exponentially, thanks to their consistent LinkedIn posts.

1. John Doe — The Content King

John Doe, the CEO of Content Co., has been posting daily on LinkedIn for the past three years. His posts, which range from industry insights to personal anecdotes, have garnered thousands of likes and shares. But more importantly, they have helped him attract high-profile clients and increase his company’s revenue by 200%.

“LinkedIn has been a game-changer for me,” says John. “It’s not just about posting regularly, but posting valuable content that resonates with your audience.”

2. Jane Smith — The Networking Queen

Jane Smith, the founder of Networking Inc., uses LinkedIn not just to post content, but to build meaningful relationships. By posting regularly and engaging with her followers, she has managed to create a network of over 10,000 professionals. This network has been instrumental in driving her business growth.

“LinkedIn is not a one-way street,” Jane points out. “It’s about giving and taking. You post valuable content, and in return, you get valuable connections.”

How to Skyrocket Your Pipeline with LinkedIn Posts

So, how can you replicate the success of these entrepreneurs? Here are some strategies that can help you boost your LinkedIn presence and skyrocket your pipeline.

Post Regularly

Consistency is key. Aim to post at least once a day. Remember, the more you post, the more visibility you get.

But don’t just post for the sake of posting. Make sure your posts are valuable and relevant to your audience. Share industry insights, offer tips and advice, or simply share your personal experiences and lessons learned.

Engage with Your Audience

Don’t just post and ghost. Engage with your audience. Respond to comments, ask questions, and start conversations. This will not only boost your posts’ visibility but also help you build meaningful relationships.

Remember, LinkedIn is a networking platform. Use it to its full potential.

Use Visuals

Posts with visuals get 94% more views than those without. Use images, infographics, and videos to make your posts more engaging and memorable.

But again, make sure your visuals are relevant and add value to your posts. Don’t use them just for the sake of using them.


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs. With regular posting, you can increase your visibility, establish your authority, and attract more opportunities. So, start posting today and watch your pipeline skyrocket!

Take Your LinkedIn Success to New Heights

Ready to transform your LinkedIn and Twitter presence into a beacon of opportunity? With Postlyy, content isn’t just king — it’s the key to unlocking your full potential online. Embrace the power of AI-driven content creation and join the ranks of entrepreneurs who are already experiencing a surge in their pipelines. Don’t wait to make your mark. Elevate Your Brand on LinkedIn and Twitter and start your journey for free today!

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